本公司是一家全方面、专⻔为品牌精品店量身定造的专业化、服务型企业。 具有国家建设管理委员会颁发的建筑工程施工总承包资质、建筑装修装饰工程专业承包资质、建筑幕墙工程专业承包等资质。
JJW Group was found on January 2007. A plenty of professional designers and teams have gained a huge design and construction experience via dedicated efforts under experienced and efficient management system. JJW has undertaken hundreds of interior decoration and construction projects, with a ground-breaking achievement in retail industry. Besides, our company not only has professional design teams, but also has facility maintenance team and associate furniture’s factory.
We are comprehensive professional company especially customizes for boutiques of well known brands.
We have the grade two qualification awarded by National Construction Bureau.
JJW Shanghai